Behind the Creator

“I’m a writer and a poet. I’m also a thinker, but too much thinking gets in the way of the soul. And that’s where I write from.”

Welcome to those who have wandered, intentionally or otherwise, onto this page! It is here that I will sporadically post ideas and thoughts in the form of poem, story, or some other nonsensical way. Though I find inspiration in countless forms, one of the most common sources of light for my writing is the mysterious and creative force that is God. He is limitless in power; matchless in glory; gracious in love; and indescribable in words. Still I find myself trying to do just that. Despite the fact that it is impossible to capture His entire essence, perhaps it is possible to catch glimpses of it, whatever it is He chooses to reveal to us. His creativity is the inspiration to mine, so I hope you enjoy whatever you find here, whether it is influenced by my faith or inspired by something else! Thank you for stopping by, grace and peace to you.

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